Course fees:

The fee of £1595 relates to bookings using UK debit or credit cards.

The course fee for candidates based outside of the UK is £1695.  


Examination date guarantee:

Candidates wishing to obtain a refund or move to another course (subject to availability) because their PACES examination date falls before or during the PassPACES course that they have booked need to inform PassPACES within one week of the first date on which the Royal College of Physicians send admission documents to candidates for the appropriate diet and provide proof of their examination date. Currently this guarantee relates to PACES Diet 2025/02.


Cancellations received in writing more than 8 weeks before a course commences will attract a refund of the course fee (less an administrative fee of £100).

No refund will be available for cancellations received after this date unless we can find a substitute candidate (and an administrative fee of £100 will be levied).

In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for PassPACES to cancel a course. In this case we will provide a full refund of the course fee to all candidates. We are not able to refund travel or accommodation costs. We also reserve the right to change the course venue to another location in London. Under these circumstances the course will proceed as normal and no refund will be made.

Dress Code:

Smart professional dress and smart shoes are mandatory at all PassPACES courses out of courtesy to our patients (casual dress, e.g. jeans, t-shirts and training shoes is not acceptable). 

If you attend in inappropriate attire you will be asked to change and will not be allowed to take part in the teaching until you have done so.

We would advise you to wear smart clothing similar to that which you plan to wear during your forthcoming PACES examination.



PassPACES reserves the right to make changes to the operation and running of the course to ensure COVID-19 safety.

For example:

1)     Candidates may be expected to complete a Health Questionnaire declaring that have not been knowingly exposed to anyone with confirmed COVID-19 and have not experienced COVID-19 related symptoms within 10 days of the commencement of their course.

2)     Candidates may be required to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 lateral flow antigen test carried out within 24 hours of the commencement of their course and a second lateral flow test carried out before the third day of the course.

Please note that these examples are not exhaustive.


COVID-19 safety information will be provided by email prior to the commencement of each course.

In the event that a candidate is unable to attend any part of their course due to COVID-19 exposure or related symptoms PassPACES will be unable to offer them a refund of their course fees unless a substitute candidate is found to fill their place. Candidates working in NHS hospitals may be able to reclaim these fees from their hospital trusts, though PassPACES cannot take responsibility for engagement with third parties: External link opens in new tab or windowMy study leave event has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus outbreak – am I still able to claim expenses? : HEE-NHS


In the event that PassPACES is unable to run courses due to COVID-19 we will refund candidates their course fees less an administrative fee of £50. Those candidates working in NHS hospitals may again be able to reclaim this administrative fee from their hospital trusts.